Arts Accessibility

With the vision and mission “Arts are for Everyone” in mind, Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong has already been organizing different arts events, trainings and inclusive programmes, etc. for many years. With the setup of Jockey Club Arts Accessibility Service Centre, we hope to provide more equal opportunities for people with disabilities to appreciate arts and raise their quality of living.


Since China became one of the ratifying states of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in 2008, the principles of the Convention should be followed in Hong Kong, meaning that we should adopt the right-based perspective when tackling issues relating to persons with disabilities like other countries in the world. We should begin mainstreaming of disability and make sure persons with disabilities are not deprived of their in-born human rights.


Working under the old mentality, most mainstream arts organizations and venues have not considered persons with disabilities as part of the natural members of society at the time of architectural design or programme planning. As a result, albeit unintentionally, a lot of barriers are created and make it difficult for persons with disabilities to enjoy arts.


Other than to advise on the needs of barrier-free of the outlook, physical building and facilities (what we called “hardware”), our service also includes providing “software” catering for specific needs of different people and enhancing the appreciation experience for all. Examples of “hardware”: ramps installation, same entrance/exit for persons with disabilities as common audience, user-friendly universal toilets, etc. Examples of “software”: receptionist’s knowledge of accessible facilities/ programmes, colour contrast of signage, appropriate universal design of signage, audio description, theatrical interpretation, Braille information, tactile map, etc.